I thought it should be broached! Why has an ex-radio presenter, ex-script-writer and ex-double-act comedian started a social media marketing company?
Well the answer lies in the last sentence. Using those skills just mentioned I was approached by Voltage Creative in Glasgow to be their specialised sports social media guy for iSuperfan. What could I say?
Eh, absolutely, was the answer and it has been great. Yes I miss presenting my own radio show but appearances on 5Live have helped in that respect so thanks to Michael and Tony Livesey at BBC Manchester.
However, social media is a great way for people like myself to use their old media skills in a business-way like never before.
What I particularly like is the fact that this technology has had an emancipating effect. The code has been written for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Blogger. You don't need to be a Code Guru, a Basic Boffin to use these networks - you need to be a communicator.
That is the essence of Scatter the Patter - we are communicators be it in words, pictures, audio or video.
I saw a gap in the market for a company comprising of proper communicators, not internet people who think they can do social media but real writers and performers with years of being, well, social!
I have contacted several of my ex-colleagues from Off The Ball - brilliant creative funny writers who can now possibly get paid for their work! No that''s not true, OTB was a good payer but there just was not enough sketch room to go round.
So why me? Why do I know so much about it and what do I know about starting a business?
Well aside from BBC writing and Talk107 presenting I started 2 businesses early in my career. When the quiz boom was hitting pubs, I was doing 5 a week with my own business. When the comedy club boom was just beginning, I and Jem Packer (of Private Eye's, 'Grim Up North London' fame) started Scotland's only twice weekly club in the early 90's, well before The Stand and Jongleurs et al started.
So you see, I have always had an entrepreneurial streak and I see this is a great area to move into.
Working for Voltage and iSupergan on a daily basis creating online content for their Facebook/Twitter pages for Celtic/Rangers/West-Brom/St.Mirren and Falkirk has been a revelation and I feel it's time to use this base to start a new business.
I also believe the gap in the market I spoke about becomes an even bigger gap when you talk
local. If you are local you can video, take pictures and actually speak offline in person to your clients and their potential customers. This is what the big boys cannot do.
Therefore Communicators + Local = Scatter The Patter!
So I suppose it's seeing these gaps that persuaded me to expand my iSuperfan portfolio into a fully
fledged business.
So have I any tips?
Rule No.1 - Work out a strategy. What do you want to achieve with social media and how do you want to go about it?
Rule No.2 - Think of this as part of your overall marketing effort. It's not a panacea, but neither is it something to ignore and go cheap on. Just look at the TV ads to see how many brands are instructing their customers to go check out their Facebook page. 500million plus users remember!
Rule No.3 - Have a conversation! It's Social Media which means the rules of the marketing game have changed! If you pack out your Facebook page with loads of sales messages or bland utterances about what's happening in your business then you'll be nothing but the bore of the party! .
Rule No.4 - Incentivize! No disrespect to your business but it may not be people's first place to check out while on Facebook! I may be wrong! This can change however if you give out offers or coupons to Facebook or Twitter followers. More to be said in my next Campaign blog!
Rule No.5 - Content, content and content! I've said have a conversation but without something to have a conversation about your doomed! If you are selling art then be an art expert and be the place for art lovers to go and read and see great art. Inform and educate and be engaging. Personal Facebook pages are great for person to person but if you are a business vying to be better than any other comparable business then you must portray yourself as the expert in your field - so dominate that field with content and more content!
If you want more information or to have an informal chat, go to Contact Us and drop me a line.