F-Commerce, bring the store to your customers!
I'm compiling a major list about the growing trend of F-Commerce so apologies for the small article. Suffice to say that with 750million users you can add all E-Bay's and Amazon's customers and still not get close to Facebook.
So the potential is huge.
Thomas Crampton, Asia-Pacific Director of 360 Digital Influence put this natty little infograph together concerning the various F-Commerce sites out there;

I myself am starting to use Payvement because it's in it's Beta phase so its free, plus I like the e-products user-interface. However there are a growing number of companies jumping onto the F-Commerce band-wagon which might just spell the end of traditional E-Commerce as we know it!
Have you bought anything off of Facebook??
If so let me know as I am compiling the shops that already do this....it won't come as a surprise to learn that America leads the way here.
Though look out for Scatter the Patter's new client who will be doing just this. No details until we actually
get it up and running.
The absolute massive thing that F-Commerce has going for it is the recommendations and inter-connectivity that can occur. Amazon have integrated this feature already where you can recommend items to your friends who are already on Amazon but imagine when Facebook really ramps up F-Commerce!?
Shopping, which has been a bit of a solitary occupation online will now be a sociable experience. I can see a time where your friends can see your Facebook basket and help you choose what to buy, in real time, even although they may be in different continents. You may be able to take it out of your basket and out it in theirs.
You can 'buy then recommend', which is already here but it's the real time shared shopping experience I see as the next level only really possible on an integrated social platform like Facebook.
So while I go do more research and indeed import Payvement for my new client why not go start up an F-Commerce site, make a million, lose a million and report back!
Scatter the Patter over n out!
Labels: f-commerce
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