Its all about communication

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things I Like - QR Codes!

Like Alphaville, QR Codes, have been Big In Japan and I love them.  If you still like to snail mailshot or hand out flyers then you really should consider QR codes.  Rather than explain, here's one I made earlier without any double sided sticky tape in sight.

If you've got a smartphone, you can scan this image for a secret message!  Well in this case it is a direct
link to this website but it can be a phone number, text, a picture, or a facebook like box...and more!  Think of them as physical hotlinks to the digital world - so if you do hand out a flyer this QR code if scanned by a smartphone user will create the digital copy of that flyer.

There's loads of potential here!  I like T-shirts with secret and often naughty messages printed on them that only smartphone users can read.  Alright, this may not be exactly a proper business use of this high-tech phenomena but maybe that's just me.

At Scatter The Patter we think that being able to digitise messages from physical products is of massive potential and although Japanese society have embraced this, America is only catching on now and that means we will too!

So if you want to chat QR Codes drop us a line - in the meanwhile I'll be creating my own range of QR mugs
personalised to each guest having a cuppa with you...mmmm, now there's an idea!


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